So you know I'm the Garage Sale Gal--always looking for frugal ways to decorate the house from garage sale bargains. But if we pay attention to mother nature, she' always blesses us with beauty, too!
There was a really bad storm here a few weeks ago and the next day in my 'hood I drove by this dead, dried-up but gorgeous desert plant with great lines--it had blown off a nearby mountain. I drove on but couldn't stop thinking about "him". So, I called the hubby and he picked it up. It barely fit in the trunk of the SUV.
I knew exactly where he would go-- in my office on top of my newly painted armoire in a vase I bought at a--yep-- a garage sale-- for 50-cents! We didn't do a thing to it. Is this cool or what!? Kevin Nunn Now, THIS is art! Thank you, God for the beauty we see around us everyday.
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